Thursday, July 14, 2005

Moleskin sketches

Everyone at EDM has been talking about how hard it is to paint on moleskin. I agree!! But, I have found that making a background with watercolor crayons and then sketching over it gives some color. Although my micron pens tend to skip on this surface too.
Here is a sktech of my new hypernion day lily. and, my foot (EDM Challenge)


Blogger pedalpower said...

Penny your blog looks great. You are doing a wonderful job on your sketches....really like that foot! Good idea preparing the pages with wash for a background. My sister does that with watered down craft paints in her journal--then she inks right over them.

11:28 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

I like the idea of doing a colored background and then inking over it. Great foot, too!

9:33 PM  

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