Sunday, October 09, 2005

Fall leaves #2

Well, I'm going to keep playing with Photoshop - and see if I can improve my Photshop painted leaves! I want to learn how to blend the colors better. You can see each "brush stroke" -- and I can't figure out how to make that better. I can also see that I don't have shadows -- couldn't quite figure out how to do that! Any tips readers??


Blogger Unknown said...

How do you blend your layers? Are you using Normal mode, or overlay or soft light?

Try copying a layer and using a Gaussian blur, about 5-20 percent (toy around to see what works), then put the layer on overlay.

Hope that helps.

5:03 PM  
Blogger Karen Winters said...

Try painting on a separate layer using brushes in different opacities. You can change the opacity "on the fly" by hitting the numeric keys. 2=20% opacity, for example. Painting transparently helps blending. This is just one of the ways to get the effect you want.

9:10 PM  

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