Saturday, April 17, 2010

Poem-a-day - April 17

Today's challenge - write about science
Mr. Goebel's 8th Grade Science Room
had the necessary
red geraniums growing
on the windowsill,
bunson burners
I never remember using.
A microscope in front
we lined up to look through,
a glass aquarium in the back
with a blue racer snake.
Alfonso tried to pick up
the snake one day,
got it by the tail.
Snake looped up and bit him
whereupon he released it.
I was and wasn't surprised
that Alfonso had red blood.
We jumped onto our chairs.
Mr. Goebel cornered the snake.
This was the biggest
event of science class
that year. The thing
that made our hearts race,
our head's spin.
How that snake taught
us something about wildness
and fear -- about the color
of blood we all shared,
about how we still needed
an adult to keep us safe.


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